Yard Sales

Art Supply Garage Sale!
Saturday, May 14, 2011 - 2:30 PM
Brooklyn Lyceum
228 4th Ave Brooklyn, NY
Organized By: TheCraftaholic

Let's face it: we ALL have stuff to de-stash. But, sometimes art supplies cost money, right? Let's have an art supply garage sale. We can de-stash, and get rid of our supplies, and make a couple bucks to pay for indian food (or whatever your fancy, but I say indian).

Bring your stuff, and let's have a good old fashioned swap/sale. I'll be in the cafe area, sipping a cup of fabulous coffee.

You may choose to price your items at $.50, or whatever, or you may just choose to make it a swap. I just figured that since times are tough, let's try to sell what we don't use to each other, and maybe come out with a little cash in our pocket. Or at least, without all our unwanted crap, right?

Bring whatever supplies you use to create!




Embroidery supplies

Paper crafting

Rubber Stamps

Paint/Paint Brushes


For more details, go here: http://www.meetup.com/TheCraftaholic/


Garage Sale!!
Saturday April 30th 10am-4pm
191 Byram Rd.
Organized By: Andrew

100s of pieces of exquisite McCoy Pottery plus furniture, jewelry, books, planters, vases, collectibles, gifts, art and much, much more.